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Google Search Operators For SEO Link Building

submitted on 6 September 2020 by
Google Search Operators For SEO Link Building In the past, SEO firms often used direct submissions and various SEO tools to obtain links. These outdate tactics are not useful anymore. In fact, using outdated linking methods can get you penalized with Google. No one wants that.

These days, most webmasters know about advanced SEO techniques to find ways to get links. But being able to analyze such activities with Google Search is a new way of doing things. To stay on top of the link building game, you have to know how to use the search operators.

Search operators let you clear the clutter from your search and make it more efficient. The infographic below shows you how to to do this. Below are some of the key search goperators that will help with your efforts.

Find links to your website
Have you wondered which websites are linked to each page on your site? Finding the links that have been indexed by Google is easier than ever.

All you have to do is enter 'link:' followed by the URL. The search results will show every webpage that links to your site.

For example, if your site is, you will just need to enter "" (without space and without quotes)

But when you do this, you will notice there are few links. Why? Google restricts showing every link publicly.

There is a more effective approach.

Instead, I've found a better approach. It involves simply removing the home page links from the query.

To see all of the links, try this:

Find your webpages pages indexed by Google
This can be a key source of information. To determine which of your pages are indexed by Google, just enter "Site:" and all the pages of this website indexed by Google will show up.

Guide Google to yield exactly what you want
It can be annoying to not get the results you want. Getting rid of this problem is simple. Use quotes in your search query should provide you the results you want.

For example, if you want guest blog opportunities, you just need to type guest blogging in quotes - "guest blogging". You will be surprised by the number of exact matches Google produces.

Check cache to see things as Google sees them
Did you know that not everything on your site is necessarily indexed by the search engine? To see how Google looks at your site, just type "cache:".

This will tell you what Google saw the last time it came to your site.

Get comprehensive information about your website
Using "info:" is one of the best ways to collect information quickly about several parts of your site at once. Typing "info:" will give you information about the pages that link to your site, the cached version, similar web pages and important details about your domain name.

These are a few of the search operators available. But there are more advanced search operators that can give you more refined results.

We have highlighted above some of the most important search operators in the infographic. Just check them out and get to know how to use each one so you can learn more about how Google views your site.
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