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The Secret Power Player in SEO: Internal Linking

submitted on 5 May 2023 by
Have you ever been on a website and clicked on a hyperlink that took you to another page within the same website? Congratulations, my friend, you have just experienced the powerful force of internal linking. Internal linking is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that often gets overlooked. In this article, we will uncover the secrets of internal linking and why it is a power player in the game of SEO.

What is Internal Linking?

Internal linking is the practice of linking to other pages within the same website. These links are typically clickable hyperlinks that lead the user to another page within the same domain. Internal linking is important for both user experience and search engines. It helps users navigate a website and find the information they need quickly. From a search engine perspective, internal linking helps search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of a website. This, in turn, improves the crawlability and indexing of the website.

Why is Internal Linking Important for SEO?

Internal linking is important for SEO for several reasons. Firstly, it helps distribute link equity throughout a website. Link equity, or link juice, is the value passed from one page to another through hyperlinks. By linking to other pages within the same website, you are passing on link equity and boosting the authority of those pages. This, in turn, can lead to higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Secondly, internal linking helps search engines understand the content of a website. By linking to other pages within the same website, you are signaling to search engines what the page is about and how it is related to other pages on the website. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of the website, which can lead to better crawlability and indexing.

Finally, internal linking helps keep users engaged on a website. By linking to other pages within the same website, you are providing users with additional information and resources that can keep them on the website for longer. This can lead to lower bounce rates and higher engagement metrics, which can also signal to search engines that the website is valuable and relevant.

Best Practices for Internal Linking

Now that you understand the importance of internal linking, let’s dive into some best practices for implementing it on your website.

1. Use descriptive anchor text: Anchor text is the clickable text that appears on a hyperlink. It should be descriptive and provide users and search engines with context about where the link leads to. Avoid using generic phrases like “click here” or “read more.”

2. Link to relevant pages: Only link to pages that are relevant and provide value to the user. Don’t link to a page just for the sake of linking to it.

3. Use a reasonable amount of links: Don’t overdo it with internal links. Use a reasonable amount of links on a page that provide value to the user.

4. Link to high-quality pages: Link to pages that are high-quality and relevant. This will pass on link equity and improve the authority of those pages.

5. Use a clear and organized structure: Organize your website in a clear and logical structure. This will help search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of the website, which can lead to better crawlability and indexing.

The Future of Internal Linking

As search engines become more sophisticated, internal linking will continue to play a crucial role in SEO. With the rise of voice search and natural language processing, internal linking will become even more important for providing context and relevance to search engines. Additionally, as websites become more complex and content-heavy, internal linking will help keep users engaged and provide them with the information they need quickly.


Internal linking may not be the most glamorous aspect of SEO, but it is a power player nonetheless. By implementing best practices for internal linking, you can improve the crawlability and indexing of your website, pass on link equity to relevant pages, and keep users engaged and on your website for longer. So next time you’re adding content to your website, don’t forget to include internal links. Your users and search engines will thank you.
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